lunes, octubre 25, 2010

Situación actual en Francia

Para los valientes, está en inglés, francés, alemán e italiano. A ver si pescamos algo:


Dear friends,

Here is an update after our previous message.

The situation in France is getting hotter :

- by one hand, the young pupils are now entering into the struggle. The governement is afraid that the situation would evolve toward a "greek scenario". In 2006, a previous struggle of the pupils and students against the "CPE reform" (see here for more infos on this struggle ) succedeeded to remove a law that was already adopted.

The french youth, that is under the constant police repression, expreses now all his anger against this system and especially against the police. Some very hard fights with anti riots units occured in the popular cities in the suburb suronding paris, but also in other towns elsewhere in France and also in small cities.

At a first time, the governement criticised the youth to be manipulated and told their place was at school and not in the street. But as the governement passed years ago a law that teenagers could be considered as penalty responsible, the young people replied that if they were old enough to go in jail at the age of thirteen so they were mature enough to talk about politics and demonstrate in the streets.

Now the governement try to develop fear of the "young thugs" that come only to break everything and only for violence. But in fact this arguements doesn't work to much (at least for now) and people are still supportive of the movement.

- by another hand, workers in some strategic sectors like transport, ports, and essentially fuel supply maintain their strike and even increase the level of struggle.

At least 2/3 of the fuel supplyiers ran out of combustile (a part because of the blockade, a part because the individuals were afraid to lack of fuel so they ran to the fuel stations... So this irrational panic movement was a big help to the strikers by creating chaos :-) )

The fuel chain supply was almost close to collapse. That would lead to a total collapse of the economy. So the president himself has decided today to send the army and police, to stop the blockade on fuel. The fuel workers has decided not to confront police but to continue the actions by other means.

Apart from that, we can see the begining of some self organisation in some cities and / or sectors. Even if those self organised groups/movement are not massive yet, they can have a significant impact on the general movement.

For instance in Toulouse, the CNT AIT local union, called for Popular Assemblies. The purpose of those popular assemblies is to free the speech, to make politic not only a question of professional or specialist, in order to promote self thinking and self organisation. While during the first demos, those assemblies only gathered 50 people, the number of people participating increased around 10 times (300 on the 2d of october, 500 on the 12th, 500 to some said 700 on the 16th). Those popular assemblies gathered in calm and with determination. For instance, on the 2d of october, when anti riot police asked the Popular assembly to disband itself, people just refused and replyed to the police they shall not move. The popular assembly stayed where they were gathered, continuing their discussion, occupying and blockading the center of the town. As police felt the power of this assembly, they didn't dare to confront it. After 3 hours of occupation, the popular assembly then continue under the form of an spontaneous demonstration in the center of the city. And now this form of organisation is spreading, as others are organised in the Mirail University, in other cities like Auch, Montauban, Figeac (where are others CNT AIT unions) or also Poitiers (where there is not)

About police repression, in other cities the anti riot police is currently very nervous. They act very brutaly. In the city of Caen, they shot right in the middle of the face a demonstrator a tear gas grenade. The aluminium can of the grenade had pushed into the cranium, and it is a great chance that he has not been killed. The Caen CNT AIT local union is in close contact with the family of the demonstrator. We will keep you informed on this case. In Montreuil, in the suburb of Paris, a pupil was shot down by a "flash ball" by a policemen and lost half of his face and may be will loose one eye.

But in many other cities, and especially in the ports / heaven cities like St Nazaire, Le Havre, Boulogne, there have been hard figths beetwen strikers and policemen.

Since the begining of the event, police has arrested more than 1300 people during the various actions.

Apart from those spectacular fights, a lots of other small actions are organised to try to popularize the idea of general strike. For instance on the 13th of October, we participated to a picket in front of the Peugeot factory of Aulnay to call other workers to join the movement. But we have to say that even if a lot of workers are supportive of the movement, they can not join the strike as they have a lot of debts to pay. That is why we are also thinking about actions that can be made by people without loosing their salary, as sabotage, slowing down the work, circular economical blockade, ... For instance at the university library of Paris XIII, the workers are on strike each ones a different day. By doing so, the system is stoped while workers do not loose to much ...

We try also to extend the focuses of the movement to the capital on its international aspect. For instance, in Clermont Ferrand, our local union organised during the last demonstration an action of solidarity with Peruvian workers, in front of a Zara shop.

But as there will be national holidays for one week that will start on this saturday, the governement hope that those vacations will break the pupil movements and that the movement will not bounce after.

Below a text we wrote in french to develop our position on the situation.. If you can translate it in your language, thanks to inform us back !

To be continued ...

For libertarian communism

Long life anarhcy !

Yours in solidarity

CNT AIT Paris members




mardi 19 octobre 2010

La popularité du mouvement actuel dépasse la stricte réforme des retraites : chacun sait que cette dernière constitue une attaque de plus contre nos conditions de vie et, se conjuguant avec une inégalité flagrante (riches, banquiers et patrons n’ont jamais été aussi bien protégés par l’Etat), elle constitue la goutte d’eau qui fait déborder le vase.

Le problème des retraites n’est qu’une infime partie d’un tout et nous devons refuser la politique d’austérité dans son ensemble car le pouvoir peut tout à fait lâcher quelques miettes sur les retraites et les reprendre ailleurs.

Dans ce cadre, il est évident que seul un rapport de force suffisant peut nous permettre de gagner. Or les manifestations s’enchaînent depuis la rentrée et prennent toujours plus d’ampleur en terme de participants mais nous sommes de plus en plus nombreux à affirmer que cela est insuffisant pour faire plier un gouvernement.

Les bureaucraties syndicales et leur surenchère de journées de mobilisation espacées dans le temps et limitées aux centres-villes peuvent participer à l’affaiblissement du mouvement. D’ailleurs, depuis peu, leur propre base s’impatiente et prend l’initiative dans certaines entreprises.

Puisque nous sommes tous concernés par ces attaques et que les manifestations seules ne permettront pas de gagner, il importe de favoriser une forme de lutte propice au rassemblement intercatégoriel et transgénérationnel, regroupant les travailleurs du privé et du public, les chômeurs, les étudiants, les retraités, etc. Partout, des assemblées générales doivent avoir lieu pour permettre à tous, sans repli corporatiste, de se rencontrer, de discuter et d’être acteurs de la lutte.

La lutte doit se penser avant toute chose comme un ensemble de techniques, dont la manifestation ne devrait être que l’illustration d’un rapport de force déjà engagé. Apprécier ce dernier permet de choisir des actions et des cibles adaptées à nos moyens, suscitant l’adhésion, la complicité et le soutien de la population tout en fragilisant le Pouvoir.

Les modes d’action sont nombreux et certains offrent même des possibilités d’implication à ceux qui ne peuvent faire grève à ce stade de la lutte : débrayage (arrêt de l’activité pendant une courte durée), grève perlée (une partie du personnel débraye, puis reprend, alors qu’une autre partie débraye et ainsi de suite), coulage (production en étant le moins productif possible), grève du zèle, piquets volants, occupations, blocages, réappropriations de denrées alimentaires, collectes, concerts ou fêtes de soutien, etc. (tout est développé dans la brochure Techniques de luttes, à télécharger ici : ou

Malgré les discours des politiciens bonimenteurs, malgré les violences policières que nous subissons déjà et malgré les tergiversations des bureaucrates syndicaux dont le rôle a toujours été de maintenir la paix sociale, il faut rompre avec le sentiment d’impuissance. Les actions de ces derniers jours ne sont peut-être que les prémices d’un mouvement profond et massif contre cette société capitaliste, fondamentalement injuste et inégalitaire.

L’émancipation des travailleurs sera l’œuvre des travailleurs eux-mêmes.

Construisons la grève générale.

Octobre 2010

Confédération Nationale du Travail - Association Internationale des Travailleurs
BP 2010
14089 CAEN CEDEX http//

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What We are Not being Told about French Pensions

Life expectancy has increased, boosting the percentage of pensioners from 20% in 1960 to 50% in 2050. But the number of people paying into the pension system has grown steadily right up to the year 2010. Median productivity grew by a whooping 500% from 1960 to 2010. If that productivity is harnessed one worker in 2010 can pay the pension of one retiree just as easily as s/he could pay 20% of someone's pension in 1960. One problem is that, even according to official figures, 23% of the young people have no jobs and can contribute nothing to anyone's pension.

The worst case scenario of the Orientation Council on Pensions foresees a deficit of 120 billion Euros in 2010; that would be 3% of French GDP. There is a fact that the well paid alarmists want you to overlook; France is a very rich country. GDP doubled during the last twenty years and is expected to double once more by 2050. During the past thirty years 10% of GDP has been transferred away from wage earners and given to profit takers. That comes to eight times the current deficit of the national pension system. When pension deficits are caused by the transfer of wealth to the already rich, there is no outcry in the commercial media. By definition, those who own controlling interests in media companies are already much too rich to care about pensions. See.

The so-called reforms of 1993, 2003 and 2007 have already pushed pensions down by between 15% and 20%. This has forced one more million senior citizens below the poverty line. Half of the newly pensioned workers receive less than 1000 Euros per month. The group hardest hit is that of women who made sacrifices for the pension system by raising children at the price of interrupting their careers.

The biggest risk is that the contribution based system will be replaced by a capital based one. In 2008 we saw where that leads. Soon enough, there will be another mysterious, unforeseeable crisis and politicians will hand that retirement money over to the billionaires and their mega corporations leaving millions too old to work, too young to die.

Given political will, there are many alternatives. Deficits would disappear if tax breaks and subsidies for the wealthy were eliminated. Consider this number; dividends account for 10% of French GDP.

As so often, there are no "objective forces" making pension cuts an "unfortunate necessity"; there is only the greed of the rich and their lies.

Unconditional surrender or resistance; the choice is ours' in France and everywhere.

For more facts that the bosses don't want you to know about the ongoing struggle check the following references:


Eine Reihe von landesweiten Streiktagen hat Frankreich an den Rand des Ausnahmezustands versetzt. Wegen erfolgreicher Blockaden von Ölhäfen, Raffinerien und Öl-Depots steht mittlerweile die Energieversorgung der Republik in Frage. Der Arbeitgeberverband droht den streikenden Arbeiter/innen mittlerweile offen mit einem Angriff des Militärs. Mehrere Tanklager wurden bereits von der Polizei gewaltsam geräumt.

Längst geht es den Protestierenden nicht mehr nur um die geplante Erhöhung des Rentenalters von 60 auf 62 Jahren (tatsächlich müsste bis 67 gearbeitet werden, um genug einzuzahlen). Auch die anhaltende Privatisierung von Staatsbetrieben und die Korruption in der Regierung werden thematisiert. Da hilft auch eine eilig eingeführte Reichensteuer nicht, denn das Misstrauen gegen die Präsidentschaft Sarkozys wächst täglich.

Mittlerweile hat sich auch die Bildungsstreikbewegung der Schüler/innen und Student/innen solidarisch den Demonstrationen angeschlossen und rund 700 Schulen sind momentan besetzt. Bei Angriffen der Staatsgewalt wurde in einem Pariser Vorort einem 16-jährigen mit einem Gummigeschoss ein Auge kaputtgeschossen.

Doch mit Gewalt lässt sich die Streikbewegung bisher nicht stoppen. Allein am 12. Oktober gingen nach Gewerkschaftsangaben etwa 3,5 Millionen Menschen in zahlreichen Städten auf die Straßen, unzählige Betriebe wurden bestreikt. Auch die Lastwagenfahrer wollen nun mit Blockadeaktionen die Ausbeutungsmaschine zum Stillstand bringen.

Die anarchosyndikalistische CNT IAA kritisiert jedoch den symbolischen Aktionismus der „Salon-Gewerkschafter“ in den Vorstandsetagen, sowie ihren Verhandlungskurs gegenüber Staat und Kapital. Sie ruft stattdessen zu einem unbefristeten Generalstreik auf, der auf Enteignung des politisch-staatlichen Systems angelegt ist.

Alle Entscheidungen sollen auf öffentlichen Vollversammlungen in Betrieben und Stadtteilen getroffen und ohne Stellvertretung umgesetzt werden. Dauerhafte Blockaden von Fabriken und Dienstleistern seien daher ein wirksames Mittel der direkten Aktion. Im gemeinsamen, solidarischen Kampf könnte die hierarchische Klassengesellschaft überwunden werden, um den freiheitlichen Kommunismus zu ermöglichen.

Anarchosyndikat Köln/Bonn

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Quello che non ci è stato detto sulle pensioni francesi

Me lo hanno spedito. Traduco e volentieri pubblico. Tanto vale per tutti i paesi.

La vita media è aumentata, innalzando la percentiale di pensionati dal 20% del 1960 al 50% de 2050. Ma il numero di persone che contribuiscono alla sistema previdenziale è cresciuto costantemente fino al 2010. La produttività mediana è aumentata di uno sbalorditivo 500% dal 1960 al 2010. Se questa produttività è intercettata un lavoratore nel 2010 puó pagare la pensione di un pensionato con la stessa facilità con cui avrebbe potuto pagare il 20% della pensione di qualcun altro nel 1960.
Altro problema è che , anche attenendoci alle cifre ufficiali, il 23% dei giovani non ha lavoro e non puó contribuire alla pensione di nessuno.

Lo scenario peggiore del Orientation Council on Pensions prevede un deficit di 120 miliardi di euro nel 2010; sarebbe il 3% del PIL francese. C'è un fatto che gli allarmisti ben pagati vogliono trascurare; La Francia è un paese molto ricco. Il PIL ha raddoppiato negli ultimi vent'anni e ci si aspetta raddoppi ancora una volta per il 2050. Negli ultimi trent'anni il 10% del PIL è stato trasferito dai percettori di salario a quelli di profitto. Fa otto volte il deficit corrente del sistema pensionistico. Quando il deficit delle pensioni è causato dal trasferimento di ricchezza ai già ricchi non c'è alcuna levata di scudi nei media commerciali. Per definizione quelli che controllano i media sono già fin troppo ricchi per fregarsene delle pensioni.

Le cosidette riforme de 1993, 2003 e 2007 hanno già spinto in giù le pensioni tra il 15% e 20%. Questo ha spinto milioni di anziani sotto la soglia di povertà. Metà dei nuovi pensionati riceve meno di 1000 euro al mese. Il gruppo più colpito sono le donne hanno fatto sacrifici allo scopo di allevare bambini, a costo di interrompere le proprie carriere.

Il rischio più grande è che il sistema contributivo venga rimpiazzato da uno basato sulla capitalizzazione. Nel 2008 abbiamo visto cosa ció comporta. Presto ci sarà un'altra misteriosa, imprevedibile
crisi e i politici consegneranno quel denaro per le pensioni ai miliardari e alle loro mega-compagnie lasciando milioni di persone troppo vecchie per lavorare e troppo giovani per morire.

In presenza di volontà politica, ci sono molte alternative. I deficit sparirebbero se sgravi fiscali e sussidi per i più ricchi fossero eliminati. Basti considerare questa cifra; i dividendi ammontano al 10% del PIL francese.

Come spesso capita, non ci sono "forze oggettive" che rendono i tagli alle pensioni una "sfortunata necessità"; c'è solo l'avidità dei ricchi e le loro bugie.
Resa incondizionata o resistenza; la scelta sta a noi, in Francia e dovunque.

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